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Search for 'Dropship: United Peace' returned 11 results.

Dead Rising for Real in the Name of Child's Play
news | 11/27/06 | Aaron Stanton
In an odd and yet fortunate turn of events, GamesFirst editor Aaron Stanton has been invited to publicly humiliate himself for the sake of video games. By locking himself in a mall for 5 days he has a chance to win a PS3. If we can end up with a system in hand, we\'re going to go ahead and donate that sucker to Penny Arcade\'s Child\'s Play charity. But before we do that, we\'re going to try to get it signed by the last people on earth you\'d expect: Sony\'s rival Microsoft. We\'re taking it to Microsoft with an open invitation to the Xbox developers to sign the system with whatever personal messages they might have for Sony. It\'s just our little way to make the system a bit more of a collectors item before being auctioned away to raise money for sick children across the United States. But, before we can do even that, we need your help...
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Magna Carta: Tears of Blood Review
game: Magna Carta: Tears of Blood
review | 11/15/05 | Amanda Bateman
No, we\'re not talking about a legal document limiting the power of English monarchs in the year of 1215 (But, if you can make a fun videogame about that, we\'d love to see it!). Atlus and Softmax\'s Magna Carta: Tears of Blood is a new roleplaying game for the PS2 that has made its way from Korea to Japan, and is now on its way to make a new niche in the United States. Unlike the real Magna Carta, this game is no guarantee of increased rights for the aristocracy, but it\'s still OK with us. Get Amanda\'s take on it right here.
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The Zelda That Never Was
game: Zelda III: The Triforce Saga
news | 10/28/05 | Aaron Stanton
Zelda II was the last official Zelda title released on the NES in the United States, but there\'s speculation that maybe a third title existed, or was at least under development before the series was transferred to the SuperNES. Recently, a gamer claimed to have found a Legend of Zelda III NES cartridge at a flea market containing an unfinished build of the third Zelda installment. What unfolded was a series of events that include eBay listings, accusations of fraud, and an official denial of involvement from none other than the Canadian development company Silicon Knights. The cartridge ultimately sold for $3000 CAD (about $2500 USD). Or did it? We take a look at the time-line of events.
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Xbox 360 Hits the Open, Hangs Out at Wal-Mart
game: Xbox 360
news | 10/20/05 | Aaron Stanton
Don\'t be surprised if there\'s a line in the electronics section the next time you visit your local Wal-Mart. The retail chain has been scoring some street points by being the first retail company to demo Microsoft\'s Xbox 360, hands-on and playable by the customer. Apparently, playable Xbox 360 demo units have been springing up across the United States. A quick call to our local Wal-Mart confirmed that an Xbox 360 was already sitting, pristine and nice, behind a glass display and a line of people all hurting their necks looking up at the screen. \"We set ours up yesterday,\" was the comment we got from the clerk when we called, \"and it\'s beautiful.\"
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Bioware and MS Team Up for Mass Effect
game: Mass Effect
news | 10/05/05 | Shawn Rider
Bioware and Microsoft have teamed up once again for another Xbox 360 exclusive title: Mass Effect. Mass Effect is a sci-fi action RPG in which you play the first human Specter -- an elite soldier sworn to defend the galaxy. As one might expect, a rogue agent begins stirring up trouble for the peaceful denizens of the galaxy, and it\'s up to you and your elite team of defenders to solve the problem. And as any Bioware fan might expect, you will eventually discover the truth about a much greater threat to the galaxy. Is it just us or does this sound a lot like SW: KOTOR?
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PSP Enjoys Best System Launch in UK History, DS Still Strong in Japan
game: Sony PSP
news | 09/06/05 | Aaron Stanton
Last week\'s launch of the Sony PSP enjoyed unparalleled success, selling more units in the first week than any other system in the history of the United Kingdom. Roughly 185,000 PSPs sold in the days following the system\'s release, compared to the 87,000 Nintendo DS units that moved from shelves during the launch of Nintendo\'s handheld. The Nintendo DS, sold since March, still claims a greater total combined systems sold, and it remains to be seen how Sony\'s numbers hold up against the onslaught of highly anticipated Nintendo games expected this Holiday season. Nintendogs, for example, expects an October 7th release.
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Bet On Soldier Goes Gold
game: Bet On Soldier: Blood Sport
news | 08/31/05 | Shawn Rider
Bet On Soldier: Blood Sport takes a high energy FPS starting point and amps it up with some novel approaches to multiplayer gameplay. In BOS, you live and die by your victories, and this war isn\'t waged for peace or freedom; this war is waged for ratings and money. UK gamers will be enjoying Bet On Soldier for PC in a few short weeks, and hopefully we\'ll get to check it out so we can know whether or not to riot in the streets until it comes to the US.
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Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends
game: Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends
review | 08/31/05 | George Holomshek
Nintendogs is a sensation that is literally sweeping the world. It started in Japan ? where it drove sales of the Nintendo DS through the roof ? and has now landed in the United States, where it looks like it might do the same. The furry balls of fluff are cute and amazingly intelligent, and you\'ll find yourself talking to them in that high-pitched squeaky dog voice we all get from time to time. If your friends and neighbors have not succumbed to the game themselves, talking to your DS will get you weird looks, but you won\'t care; you\'ll be having too much fun. Check out our full review.
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Call of Duty: United Offensive
game: Call of Duty: United Offensive
review | 11/16/04 | Rick Fehrenbacher
Call of Duty remains a popular WWII game. Known for it's cinematic gameplay and an intense single player mode, CoD managed to topple the Medal of Honor franchise for top solo historical action. Call of Duty: United Offensive brings more solo action and enhanced multiplayer to the game, both of which are welcome additions.
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Clock Tower 3 Review
game: Clock Tower 3
review | 04/19/03 | Eric Qualls
The survival horror genre has been a bit quiet lately, but our old buddies at Capcom hope to remedy that situation promptly. Clock Tower 3 places you in the role of a little girl who must help restless souls find peace and fight off six maniacal serial killers all by herself with only a bow and arrows. How much scarier does it get? Click here.
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Dropship: United Peace Force Review
game: Dropship: United Peace
review | 08/20/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
BAM! has been making a good showing of late, and their latest offering, Dropship: United Peace Force, is another title that comes in just shy of great. Featuring some of the best missions we\'ve played in a long time, Dropship nonetheless suffers from some issues. Jeremy does a great job spelling it all out for you. Check the review.
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